Veea’s Chirpstack integration includes a zero touch configuration file, covering 90% of use cases.
But if you need to modify the configuration, please follow those steps.
Example of what can be changed in the configuration file:
- change the LoRa device TTL (Time to live) - default is 3 months
- change the LoRa network NetID
- add LoRa device DevAddr prefixes
- add a network scheduler
- add a roaming server
- add the link to an OpenID or an OAUTH2 authentication server
For more information about Chirpstack configuration file: Configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation
Accessing the Chirpstack configuration file
The configuration file is accessible through a FileBrowser interface.
1. From the Veea Control Center, open the FileBrowser UI.
2. Login with the id/password defined at the LoRaWAN package deployment.
3. Open the chirpstack.toml file.
4. Once the modifications done, you can save the new file (top right corner).
5. Chirpstack service will automatically restart to apply those changes.
6. The changes are persistent to any hub restart/recovery and would be stored in a VeeaHub backup.