Device-profile templates can be created by ChirpStack admin users and can be used by ChirpStack users as templates to create new device profiles. For more information, please read the official Chirpstack documentation here.
Using existing device-profiles templates
The official repository for device-profiles templates can be found here.
From the vendor folder of this repository, you can download the templates for the devices you intend to use.
Warning: the full repository is quite large (>1Gb), so we would advise you only select the templates you intend to use. You can add more later.
Preparing your template folder
On your computer, please prepare a template folder that follows the same tree organisation structure of the previous repository.
The index.yaml file needs to include the vendor list for the devices you have selected.
Adding templates to the LoRaWan package
Those templates can be added to the LoRaWan package through its FileBrowser interface.
1. From the Veea Control Center, open the FileBrowser UI.
2. After login, you can see a lorawan-devices folder.
3. You can now upload your vendor folder, previously prepared, in the lorawan-devices folder.
4. New templates will be automatically discovered and loaded into Chirpstack.
5. You can see the new device-profile templates in the dedicated page on the Chirpstack UI.