To manage Zigbee devices, click the Zigbee link on the IoT Device Manager main screen. This takes you to the Zigbee device manager.
On the first page, there are two sections: Subscribed Devices and Available Devices.
If no devices have been subscribed, the Subscribed Devices section is empty, as seen in the following image. To subscribe a device, click the Scan button. This looks for new devices. If a new device is found, it is automatically paired and the device becomes listed in the Available Devices section.

Available devices
In the Available Devices section, each available device is listed with:
- The name of the device
- MAC address
- Any Zigbee template that has been assigned to it
- Current status
Actions in this section:
- To search for devices in the list of available devices, type text into the search box.
- To refresh the list, click on Refresh.
- To remove a device from the list, click the Unpair button. The device will no longer be listed as an available device.
- If the device status is No Template, you can add a template by clicking Pick Template.
- If the device has a template, the template is listed. The status is listed as Ready to Use. To put the device into use, click Subscribe.
After you click Subscribe, data starts being received from the device for the attributes defined in the selected template. The device listing is moved to the Subscribed Devices section.
For information about adding and using templates, see below.
Subscribed devices
Subscribed devices are devices that have attached templates and have been put into use by the action of subscribing.

The data for the attributes are listed under each device name.
Actions in this section:
- Click Unsubscribe to stop the data stream from the device. This moves the device back to the Available Devices section.
- Click Unpair to unsubscribe the device and also remove it from the Available Devices section.
- Click Unsubscribe All to unsubscribe all the subscribed devices at one time.
A Zigbee template is a file containing a list of attributes for which data has to be retrieved from a particular device. A template enables you to customize what type of data is retrieved, the threshold value, etc... You can create new templates according to your requirements, and modifying the settings for individual attributes.
Attaching a template
If a device has no template attached to it in the list of Available Devices, click Pick Template by the device name. A pop-up appears:

In the Select Template pop up, there is a list of all the Zigbee templates that are currently available. Select the template you want to attach to the selected device and click Save Changes.
There is a search box, if you need to find the template in a long list of templates.
Under Available Devices, the selected template is now listed in the Template column and the status of the device has also changed to Ready to Use. The Pick Template button is now replaced by Subscribe. At this stage you can start using the device for data capture by clicking Subscribe.
Note: If this is the first time you are using Zigbee Device Manager, you will not have any templates to assign. In that case, the following warning appears. If you want to create a new template, click Yes and you are redirected to the New Template page.

Changing a template
The template for a device can be changed by clicking the template name in the Template column under Available Devices, which makes the Change Template pop-up appear.
- To select a different template for your device from this pop-up, select the new template from the list and click Save Changes.
- To remove the template assigned to this device, select the Unassign option from the the list and click Save Changes.

There is a search box, if you need to find the template in a long list of templates.
Viewing available templates
Clicking Templates under Zigbee in the left-side menu of the IoT Device Manager takes you to the Templates page.

All the templates are listed in a grid form. Click a template in the list to go to the View Template page for that template. You can see all the attributes available in the template and their current configurations.

Creating a new template
To create a new template:
1. Click the New button on the Templates page. This takes you to the New Template page.
2. Select the device you want to create the template for from the Select Device dropdown menu.

3. Once you have selected the device, click Get Attributes. The space to define new attributes for the template is displayed.
4. Enter the name for the new template.
5. Select the attributes to receive data.
6. For each selected attribute, make the required customizations for Min, Max, Change, Alias, etc.
7. Click Submit to create the new template.
You are redirected to the Templates page and the newly created template is listed in the grid. You can now assign this template to devices.
Creating a template with On/Off toggle
You can create a template for a device that needs to be turned On and Off remotely. The template described here displays a toggle that enables the user to turn the device On or Off from the Zigbee device page.
1. On the New Template page, select your device from the Select Device dropdown and then click on the Get Attributes button. All the attributes are displayed.
2. Give the template a name, and select and configure the attributes according to your requirements.
3. For the On/Off toggle feature, select the On/Off checkbox in the On/Off section of the attribute list (see the image below).
4. Make adjustments to it as needed: Change, Alias, Description, etc.
5. Select the Type option. From the Type dropdown, select radio, and from the Command dropdown, select toggle.
6. Make any other adjustments required to the attributes list. When they are complete, click Submit. The template is created.
If you select this device and subscribe to it on the Zigbee devices page, the screen appears similar to the image below. Here you can see a toggle to switch the bulb On and Off .